Don't be Afraid to Outshine Yourself

Aug 10, 2023

 Do any of you consider out shining yourself? 💫

Out shining the past and current versions of you?🔥

Versus focusing on out shining OR competing and comparing yourself to others?😳

The old patriarch system of competition and comparison is coming to an end.

The end may not be fully take place in our lifetime, but there is an un-folding and transformation occurring in real time.

We are here to lift each other up. We are here to build each other up. We are here to love with our whole heart.💜

We are here to see and witness the divinity and magic in others.

There will be those that you resonate with, and those that you do not.

This is not judgment, it is vibration.

The more you lift and raise other people up, the more you will be blessed.

This should not be the reason why you do so. This is to lift and bless you, as we are all one cosmic light.

And yet, this is a law of the universe.

Be happy for other people. Get off on seeing other people thrive .

Believe in people more than they believe in themselves.

That was my message in prayer today from God, Spirit, Source, Creator.

I hope this blesses you, plants seeds, and brings forth a new found awareness.

Soulful Light Healing- Angela